

Bullinger's Correspondence - electronical edition

Correspondence of the Zurich reformator Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), the successor of Huldrych Zwingli,...


Die Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)

ca. 27'000 Biographies of artists, scientists and military personnel, German


Marx and Bakunin


Der Freisinnige

Freiburger politische Blätter,
1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German


The great Swiss peasant war 1653

Author: Hans Mühlestein, 1887 - 1969, Swiss art historian and writer, German

Gutenberg meets eBook

ARPA Data GmbH is specialized on developing information systems.
Especially to catch retrospecively historical books and documents. Our digitization software PaperIn supports you to generate digitalized books (eBook).

Learn on the following pages about our software  and the related Digitization concept. You will see how easy and inexpensive it can bring valuable books, magazines and documents into the digital age, to get a value through discovery mechanisms.

In this framework, we provide additional services to

Gutenberg meets eBook

ARPA Data GmbH is specialized on developing information systems.
Especially to catch retrospecively historical books and documents. Our digitization software PaperIn supports you to generate digitalized books (eBook).

Learn on the following pages about our software  and the related Digitization concept. You will see how easy and inexpensive it can bring valuable books, magazines and documents into the digital age, to get a value through discovery mechanisms.

In this framework, we provide additional services to