Bullinger's Correspondence - electronical edition
Correspondence of the Zurich reformator Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), the successor of Huldrych Zwingli,...
Die Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)
ca. 27'000 Biographies of artists, scientists and military personnel, German
Marx and Bakunin
1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German
Der Freisinnige
Freiburger politische Blätter,1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German
The great Swiss peasant war 1653
Author: Hans Mühlestein, 1887 - 1969, Swiss art historian and writer, GermanAddress
PaperIn Index
PaperIn Index is the tool that establishes links using lexical word lists, requires by the arpaBrowser to represent complex search results.
The index structure is very fast. 100,000 pages are processed in less than 30 minutes. Corrections and changes to the text are possible in a very short time.
See arpaBrowser
under Download/Demo Basler Zeitung:
Search the term 'union' in the text box; in the field 'persons', you find persons who are connected in articles containing the word 'union'.