Bullinger's Correspondence - electronical edition
Correspondence of the Zurich reformator Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), the successor of Huldrych Zwingli,...
Die Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)
ca. 27'000 Biographies of artists, scientists and military personnel, German
Marx and Bakunin
1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German
Der Freisinnige
Freiburger politische Blätter,1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German
The great Swiss peasant war 1653
Author: Hans Mühlestein, 1887 - 1969, Swiss art historian and writer, GermanAddress
Rudolf Steiner Verlag AG, CH-Dornach
- Total output of 350 books, approx 98500 pages
- Magazine 'Beiträge' from the years 1920 - 2000, approx 5000 pages
Mr Jordi, CH-Langenthal
Sermons of Spurgeon, approximately 35,000 pages; capture from Fraktur, ca 1850 to reprint
University Berne, Faculty of History, Prof. Schwinges
Rector Speeches / Speeches Dean of the Swiss Universities and Institutes of Technology; 700 speeches, approx 18,000 pages, from 1820 to the present, Fraktur and Latin font
University Freiburg im Breisgau
Magazine 'Der Freisinnige' from 1832; 145 editions in 565 pages; Fraktur