

Bullinger's Correspondence - electronical edition

Correspondence of the Zurich reformator Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), the successor of Huldrych Zwingli,...


Die Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)

ca. 27'000 Biographies of artists, scientists and military personnel, German


Marx and Bakunin


Der Freisinnige

Freiburger politische Blätter,
1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German


The great Swiss peasant war 1653

Author: Hans Mühlestein, 1887 - 1969, Swiss art historian and writer, German


The arpaBrowser

Is a flexible tool to display all kinds of documents. A particular feature of the arpaBrowser is the possibility of relations with search queries.

Search by Name "Bach";  Query: what Bach are there?
Many people can not read Fraktur and old Gothic fonts anymore. arpaBrowser offers by double clicking the transformation to ASCII.
With the right mouse button on the blue short field more options are offered:
  1. different text formats, so that the entire article can be printed or transfered to a voice system as well as
  2. list the people or places occurring in the text.
Search by macro in the preamble and in the individual article:
The preamble includes the area which directly belongs to the personal description. The macro window includes occupations as a whole, sections and other topics. Macros can be combined as occupation, military and Switzerland. Example: <ChStadt> <KiBerufe> are combined; the resulting marco can be read with the function of magnifier and it is determined, which cities in Switzerland come in appearance with religious occupations. The macro definitions of the numbers from 1 - 10 are used to represent Roman numerals.

Further search options

In the preamble or in the text search field type in a keyword such as Berlin*; with the magnifier function, the user can see the extensions, such as Berlin-Charlottenburg, etc. You come to know that Berlin-Charlottenburg exists at least in one article. You can retrieve in the name field at relations what people are in connection with Berlin-Charlottenburg. The option is functional for first name, last name, preamble and author.

In both text boxes you can search abbreviated with *, eg *haus* = Land-Waisenhaus. Extend your search with the term *Hof*, you get a resultat set of 23849 source of information; 'Haus' can be found at the beginning and at the end 'Hof' of an article. This can be avoided by the search scope to provide article, paragraph, word range or exact word sequence. The resultat set is reduced to 140 entries.

The spelling of "Haus Hof" implies a search ‚Haus und Hof’, on two lines
„Haus Hof“  implies a search of ‚Haus or Hof’. 

Further functions

Ignore Umlaut / accentsRené is also found written without an accent (not yet all accents are substituted)
Ignore suffixes’ Goethe, Goethe’s are found
Search also in other indexesmeans the ability to simultaneously search in parallel in other documents.

Many functions are self-explanatory, we have tried an example to illustrate the powerful elements of arpaBrowser.

In jobs which do not allow installation, we provide a cloud version.
For speed reasons we do not give free our web browser, also, we cannot represent jpg2000 files with it and the adaptation of the individual projects is complex.
On Mac the Windows-Installation can be performed using the freeware application ,Wine'.

arpaBrowser: with applications that are free to use >>