

Bullinger's Correspondence - electronical edition

Correspondence of the Zurich reformator Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), the successor of Huldrych Zwingli,...


Die Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)

ca. 27'000 Biographies of artists, scientists and military personnel, German


Marx and Bakunin


Der Freisinnige

Freiburger politische Blätter,
1. März-25. Juli 1832, Nr. 1-145, German


The great Swiss peasant war 1653

Author: Hans Mühlestein, 1887 - 1969, Swiss art historian and writer, German


Hammond's Nature Atlas of America

Verantwortliche der digitalen Ausgabe: ARPA Data GmbH
Elektronische Bearbeitung: ARPA Data GmbH

Autor: Prof. Hammond
Prof. Hammond's edition 1950. With aquarell paintings from W. Ferguson and J. Cody

Services of arpa Data GmbH:
The arpa digitization concept offers significant advantages compared to the commonly used browsers representations of digitized documents. The arpaBrowser is based on a flexible XML-based text entry. Not only a simple search function is given to the user, but he can have a look at predefined complex descriptions. The scanned image serves always as basis.

Search possibilities:

In the project the arpa "search" provides the possibility to search in a group. e.g.: 'fish': Species are listed. Also relations with geographical elements can be searched, e.g. you can get results for 'fish in Alaska'.
These are just a few ways of arpa digitization concept that allows many combinations of searches.
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16:16:00 01.03.2013
AH-WEB, Adrian Hetzke